Главная / Фотографиии Л. Кэрролла / Альбом № 3

Альбом № 3

Archbishop Longley, Nov. 18, 1864 Daresbury Parsonage Alice P. Liddell (in wreath) Mrs. Harington and Children Liddells in Chinese Dress

Rev. R. and Mrs. Greenall Angus Douglas (model to D. G. Rossetti) W. E. and F. Wilcox Miss Charlotte M. Yonge Joa Pollock

Sir John E. Millais Walter Bourke Croft Rectory, c. 1856 Phobe Irwin Mary Houghton

Alice P. Liddell (fern) H. H. Dodgson and family Group of Dykeses Seven sisters: The Misses Dodgson, Croft Rectory Picture by Mrs. Anderson

W. L. Dodgson (bicycle) Lord Salisbury, and eldest two sons, Oxford 1870 Xie Kitchin on sofa The new belfry, Christ Church, Oxford Rev. E. F. Sampson

Xie Kitchin Xie Kitchin Prince Leopold St. George and the Dragon (children of Rev. G. W. Kitchin) John Ruskin, 1875

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