Главная / Фотографиии Л. Кэрролла / Альбом № 2

Альбом № 2

Prof. William Dindorf Samuel WIlberforce, Bishop of Oxford Bishop of Lincoln Mrs. Barry and Loui Prof. Michael Faraday, 1860

W. Holman Hunt, Esq., 1860 Magdalen Tower, Oxford, 1861 T. Combe, Esq., Printer to the University, 1860 Miss Cole, 1859 Alice P. Liddell (asleep)

T. Woolner, Esq., Sculptor, 1860 In the Deanery garden, Christ Church.  Dean Liddell Sir Roderick Impey Murchison, 1860 Louisa D. Barry, 1860/61 Bessie Slater, 1860

Alice P. Liddell and fern Beatrice C. Harington, Alice M. Harington Edith M. Liddell (on sofa) George MacDonald, Esq. (writing) Lorina, Alice, & Edith

Alice P. Liddell as "The Beggar-Maid." J. Marshall, Esq., and Julie (daughter), 1857 Alice Margaret Harington (on sofa) Mary Josephine MacDonald Agnes Grace Weld

F. H. Atkinson, Esq Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, M.P Rev. Frederick D. Maurice Flora Rankin, 1863 Ethel and Lilian Brodie

Bessie Slatter (and guinea pig) Aubrey de Vere, Earl of Oxford Nelly MacDonald Charlotte Mary Dodgson, 1862 Prof. W. F. Donkin

Fair Rosamond Sir (Dr.) Henry W. Acland, 1863 Rev. R. Gandell and Florence, 1862 Greville M. MacDonald Mary L. Jackson

Florence Hilda Bainbridge Alice and Lorina Liddell on a see-saw, 1860 Margaret Dodgson (Carroll Rev. H. Ellison Mary D. (Mrs.) Ellison, 1862

John (Johnnie) Henry J. Ellison Constance Ellison Constance and Mary Ellison Alice Jane Donkin Henry Taylor (Esq.), 1862

Aubrey Taylor (Esq.), 1862 Ewen Hay Cameron, Esq I Zingari Gertrude Dykes, 1862

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